Hello and welcome to The OverThinker. In this post, I'll be sharing one tip to deal with every Support ultimate in Overwatch. Let's begin.
1. Ana's Nano-Boost: Figure out how Ana plans to use the Nano, and change your playstyle accordingly. For me, when Ana's got heroes like Winston, Pharah, Genji and Soldier on her team, it's obvious she's going to Nano one of them when they ult/want to go aggressive. In such situations, I position accordingly and save the right resources to counter what's about to come my team's way. For instance, if you're anticipating a Nano-Blade, ask your Ana to save her Sleep Dart for it, or your Lucio, to Beat in response to it. If you're predicting a Nano-Visor, avoid playing in open spaces and be ready to take cover at any time. Sometimes though, there won't be any obvious Nano target for the Ana, in which case she might use her ult defensively, either to save a teammate, stall the point, or simply try and clutch a fight. In that case, you should just prioritise trying to deny value to the Nanoed target. For instance, if Ana Nanoes Brig, just move away from her and focus her down from range; if Hanzo gets Nanoed, play outside his line of sight and ask your Tanks to block his damage. It's all about prediction and adaptation with this ultimate.
2. Brigitte's Rally: Focus down the Brig and try to eliminate her as quickly as possible. Rally is one of the best ultimates in the game to go aggressive as a team, and many times when Brigs use it, they will start moving and using their cooldowns aggressively as well, which means that they won't be shielding and strafing as much, providing their opponents additional windows to take them out. No matter what role you're on, try and focus down the enemy Brig when she Rallies, so that you can cut the head off the snake and prevent the ult from getting further value. This will be harder to do as you go up the ladder, but it's still the best move you can make.
3. Baptiste's Amplification Matrix: Live. This is the most general tip I can give to play against an Amp Matrix, because I've seen players at all ranks die because of their own follies against this ultimate. It's simple: the Amp Matrix doubles the enemy team's damage, meaning that you're most likely going to be melted the moment you expose yourself during its uptime. Still, I've seen players standing in front of an enemy Matrix, trying to duel their opponents from a distance, getting absolutely shredded in an instant. Humour aside, make it a priority to live and help your teammates live through every Matrix. If it's possible, you can even counter it in certain ways. For instance, if you're playing Rush, and the enemy Bap uses Matrix on level ground, just push past it with your Rein and force your opponents to back up. If you're playing Mei, put up a wall on your opponents' side of the window. No matter what you do, just remember to play the odds and be smart about your decisions.
Once Bap's window appears, you have a small window to take cover |
4. Lucio's Sound Barrier- Kite the enemy team while the Sound Barrier is active, and then push back with aggression. Kiting is the process of repositioning yourself to avoid taking damage, which is exactly what you should do against a team with Beat. No matter how brave you feel, your team will most likely lose the health pool battle if you don't play more cautiously in such a situation. Take your time and regain your resources while you're kiting, and then go aggressive, since your opponents will likely have used a lot of resources to run you over during the Beat.
Play defensively once you see an enemy Lucio drop a beat |
5. Mercy's Valkyrie- Play defensively and focus on peeling for your team. Generally-speaking, Valkyrie is used for an aggressive push rather than for additional sustain, so when Mercy procs it, you should play corners, kite damage, peel for your teammates, and focus on helping everyone survive the ult. Sometimes, Mercy players also go for solo kills while Valking, so you should be extra-aware of that and help out any teammate she engages.
6. Moira's Coalescence- Try to stun Moira out of her ult, and simply try to live through it if that's not possible. Moira may be a low-utility support, but there's no denying that her ultimate is very dangerous. Its ability to go through barriers as well as players means she can heal and damage multiple heroes at the same time. If you've got any kind of stun on your team, like Ana's Sleep Dart, Roadhog's Hook, or even Sombra's Hack, you should definitely save it to use on an ulting Moira. If you manage to stun her, hallelujah! If not, you've just got to focus on living through the ult.
Coalescence is a very deadly ultimate if not dealt with properly |
7. Zenyatta's Transcendence- Try to force Transcendence before your team makes an offensive play. Transcendence is an ultimate that Zen players normally use in two situations: to help their team live through copious amounts of damage, or to save themselves and maintain their chances of winning the fight. If your team plans to make an ult-based play, like a Grav-Dragon combo or a Pull-Flux, it's ideal to force Zen's ult beforehand, since it will most likely out-heal the damage from those combos. The easiest way to do this is by sending a flanker to try and assassinate Zen. If things go well, Zen will either ult to save himself, or simply die holding the ult, which will still put your team at a player advantage. Your team just needs to be prepared to play defensively for a few seconds in case Zen presses Q, since most teams will go aggro when backed by a Transcendence.
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