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The OverSeer: Overwatch League S3 Grand Finals Week Predictions

Hello everyone, this is Proilios, and welcome to my final predictions post of the season. There are just 6 series left for us to witness, which will all still be played on the Playoffs patch, dominated by Dive, and some Double Off-Tank, so I hope you're ready for a final wave of fast-paced Overwatch League action; it's going to be crazy!

There are currently 4 teams standing: the San Francisco Shock and the Philadelphia Fusion from NA, and the Shanghai Dragons and the Seoul Dynasty from APAC. It's been hard to tell how these teams would match up against each other since they'd been locked to different regions until now, but I'm still going to make a few educated guesses, no matter how crazy they sound. Get ready!

1. Seoul Dynasty vs. San Francisco Shock

After a very strange and streaky season, the Seoul Dynasty are the second-seeded team in APAC, and are about to go up against the much-more-dominant and fearsome SF Shock.
The Dynasty showcased some very unique strategies during their regional Playoff matches, mostly pulling out Double Off-Tank comps and relying heavily on their DPS' pick potential to power through their competition. This strategy worked very well against most teams, since ProFITS is a dynamic and flexible DPS duo, but I'm not too sure about how well it'll work against the Shock, who have been rocking the Winston-D.Va Brawl-Dive very well. Arguably the team with the best dive tank duo in the League with smurf-ChoiHyoBin, San Francisco is not to be taken lightly, and I think they'll be fairly dominant in this series. I mean, what else can you expect from a team that took down the Washington Justice's top-notch Double Off-Tank comp?
As a result, I'm predicting that the Shock will beat the Dynasty 3-0.
It was quite a tense series for both sides, with the Shock catching a quick 2-0 lead, but almost getting reverse-swept soon after. They managed to pull through in the end despite a performance reminiscent of the NYXL, who are infamous for choking during Playoffs. Props to Crusty for planning some creative tank rotations, as well as a bold move which put Viol2t on Baptiste in the final round, in order to act as a third DPS and counter Profit, who was exceptional on Pharah, Ashe, and Tracer in this series. Gesture really impressed me with his fantastic Roadhog play, landing some marvelous hooks and getting picks nearly every fight.

2. Philadelphia Fusion vs. Shanghai Dragons

I think this is going to be the biggest gamble I've made so far. I predict that the Fusion will beat the Dragons 3-0Believe it or not, I've given this a great deal of thought, so hear me out.
I think we can all agree that the Dragons have been the best team in APAC at the Winston-D.Va Brawl-Dive comps we watched being used during the regional Playoffs. Thanks to Fearless' faultless Winston, Void's skillful D.Va, LeeJaeGon's flamboyant Lucio, and LIP's sneaky Sombra, the Dragons can fly high at all times.
However, their opponents are no slouches either. The Philadelphia Fusion have impressed us all with some stellar performances not just on Dive, but also on Double Off-Tank/Double Sniper comps, which the Dragons aren't so good at. In fact, the Dragons struggled a lot against the Seoul Dynasty while trying to mirror as well as outplay these same kinds of comps despite Seoul not being too-polished at them themselves, so the Fusion are well-poised to cause what I believe will be an upset for most of the OWL community.
This didn't quite turn out to be the 3-0 I expected. In fact, it was the opposite, thanks to Shanghai's Coach Moon, whose excellent substitution of Stand1 and diem into their starting lineup made all the difference to their chances in these Playoffs. The Dragons, who were weak at Double Off-Tank just a couple of weeks ago, looked remarkable on it against the Fusion, who crumbled due to some lackluster performances by SADO, Heesu and Alarm. SADO barely got any value on Roadhog, Heesu barely got any picks on Widow, and Alarm, as a result, barely got any space and couldn't make aggressive plays on Ana or Zen. Quite a shame really, but I'm still not counting them out of the running for the Championship title.

3. Seoul Dynasty vs. Philadelphia Fusion

The first of two matches in this week's Loser's Bracket, Seoul vs. Philly is going to be an interesting one. Once again you've got a streaky team going up against a season-wide behemoth, so the result has to be quite similar right? Well, in my opinion, the Fusion will beat the Dynasty 3-1.
Despite their poor showing on Double Off-Tank, I believe in Philly's coaching staff. KDG has made some very smart decisions with his players, quite similar to Crusty, and maybe he has something up his sleeves we don't know about yet. If he can maybe sub in Poko for SADO if they're not planning to play main tanks at all, he can rely on two solid off-tank players to do their jobs and not worry about sub-standard performances by someone on an uncomfortable role. This naturally depends on how their scrims have been going, but all-in-all, I think the Fusion will make some adjustments that'll help them win tomorrow.
Don't get me wrong, Seoul is still a very strong team, but I have a gut feeling about this one. I think the Dynasty's streak ends here.

4. San Francisco Shock vs. Shanghai Dragons

This mind-blowing matchup is going to shake the world. The Shock and the Dragons are probably the two best teams in the world in the current meta, and are sure to get us some superb highlights to awe at tomorrow.
San Francisco was a little shaky yesterday against Seoul, with ANS seemingly getting nervous mid-series and underperforming for two maps. However, they were quite dominant on the maps that they did win, which is why I don't think they'll be easy to break for the Dragons, who are coming off of a godly victory against the Philadelphia Fusion.
Overall, I think the Dragons will beat the Shock 3-2. Shanghai's consistency gives them a slight edge over the Shock in my opinion, so I think they'll win this despite it being a close series.

5. Shanghai Dragons vs. Seoul Dynasty

Won't go deep into this because I'm busy with work, but my prediction is for Shanghai to win the series 3-1.

6. San Francisco Shock vs. Seoul Dynasty

Predicting that the Shock win 4-2. And the Grand Finals ended with a perfect prediction. A huge congratulations to the Shock for becoming back-to-back Overwatch League Champions! They truly are the best Overwatch team in the world at the moment, and I can't wait to see if they're able to be equally, if not more formidable in the 2021 season as well.

That's all for the Overwatch League's Season 3 predictions! Thanks a lot to all of you who took the time to read this post! Please subscribe to my blog for more Overwatch League content, which I'll be pushing out even during the off-season! Thanks a lot for reading, and I hope you're staying safe!


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