Hey everyone, welcome back to The OverThinker, where we dive deep into topics concerning the core game of Overwatch. It's been a while since my last upload in this series, but I'm back with something unique and hopefully useful! In this post, I'll be sharing my insights into eating ultimates as D.Va, which is something I've gotten fairly good at in recent times. Currently, D.Va is my most-played hero; I've got around 200 hours on her on ladder, and have learnt how to use her kit in various situations on all kinds of maps. She's a very powerful hero by design and utility, but is also very easy to play incorrectly. Unlike Roadhog, Zarya, and even Sigma, D.Va's offensive tools are the least impressive parts of her kit. She's an 'off-tank' in the true sense of the term, and playing her requires a unique approach and mindset that you can't use with any other of Overwatch's 32 characters. When you play D.Va, you're supposed to be the prima...
A blog exclusively dedicated to Overwatch, Blizzard's 6v6 action game. Contains interviews with well-established Overwatch personalities, Overwatch League match predictions, roster reviews and power rankings, as well as game balance discussions.