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The OverSeer: Overwatch League S3 Playoffs (Week 2) Predictions

Just two weeks of play remaining until the third season of the Overwatch League ends, and it's sad and exciting at the same time. On the one hand, a season full of crazy matches, micro-metas, and diversity is at its tail end, but on the other, we're going to get to see some of the best teams in the League in a very unique meta duking it out with each other in great style. I'm hyped and ready for another week of diving, sniping, and deathballing, so buckle up for my predictions everyone!

1. Atlanta Reign vs. Florida Mayhem- Mayhem wins 3-0. Although neither team has proven to be better than the other in these Playoffs, Florida has been more consistent than Atlanta. Sure, we've seen the Reign run Dive and Deathball comps quite successfully, but I don't think it compares to the firepower the Mayhem have, especially in their tank line. Fate and Gargoyle have impressed me a lot in these Playoffs, which is a huge deal since BQB and Yaki have also been super good. The Reign have had a few big moments here and there, but they're relying on their cohesion for the most part. Should be interesting to see how this plays out.

2. Washington Justice vs. Los Angeles Valiant- Justice wins 3-0. Washington has been one of the most consistent teams in this meta, thanks to their stellar execution of Hog-Zarya comps. Every single member of this team finally knows what they're doing, and has started to exhibit how skilled they actually are; and it's scary. The Valiant, on the other hand, have been less impressive, using sub-optimal hero picks like KSP's Sombra, which make them look shaky every now and then. Since the Justice are in their absolute comfort zone, and have shown that they can deal with Dive comps (which the Valiant seems to like playing), they should be fine in this matchup.

3. New York Excelsior vs. Guangzhou Charge- Excelsior wins 3-0. It's evident that the NYXL are more comfortable in this meta than the Charge, who really didn't have much to show in their losing match against the Dynasty. Although this series could be quite close if the Excelsior choke, there's a theoretical likelihood that this will be a sweep.

4. Seoul Dynasty vs. Shanghai Dragons- Dragons win 3-0. The Dynasty have arguably shown us more impressive gameplay in this meta than the Dragons, but that's probably just because they've got more playtime. Shanghai still proved to be a really strong team against the Excelsior last week, and they've been the best team in APAC throughout the season, so I'm confident they've got this series, and can school Seoul like never before.

5. San Francisco Shock vs. Philadelphia Fusion- Fusion wins 3-0. I know I'm saying 3-0, but this could very well be a close series. The Shock as well as the Fusion have been very good in this meta, showing off some peak Dive gameplay and a bit of Hog-Zarya as well. I think what this match will come down to is the Sombra matchup between Rascal and Heesu, the latter being one of the best Sombras I've seen in the League this year. If Rascal doesn't step up his game, this does look to be a sweep situation, but otherwise, could be a very entertaining series, to say the least.

6. Washington Justice vs. Florida Mayhem- Mayhem wins 3-0. Decay himself said it; the Winston-D.Va comp most teams have been running is a counter to Hog-Zarya, and their wins are probably because certain teams couldn't run it effectively enough to beat Washington's pop-off potential. If I'm right, Florida will be the team to take it to them, since their Dive execution is quite good. We also saw Kris step it up on Lucio against the Reign yesterday, and the roster is now officially stacked, and ready to head into the Loser's Bracket Finals after beating the Justice.

7. Seoul Dynasty vs. New York Excelsior- Excelsior wins 3-0. Both these teams have exhibited similar skill ceilings this season and in this meta, but I have more faith in New York because of their superior consistency and execution.

8. Washington Justice vs. Philadelphia Fusion- Fusion wins 3-0. Honestly, the Justice are the favourites going into this series; they're arguably the strongest team across both regions in this meta. However, I can't just lose faith in the Fusion; they fought the Shock quite hard yesterday, and even though their efforts fell short, they had a pretty good showing. I'm probably betting against the odds here, but I believe the Fusion's Dive execution, especially with Heesu's Sombra, will be the key to breaking Washington's Hog-Zarya comps.

Let's see how this goes, and if you liked my predictions, be sure to subscribe to my blog! There will be more predictions to come as the weekend progresses, so hang on and stay safe, people!


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