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The OverSeer: Overwatch League S3 Week 26 Predictions

Week 26...just one week left until the Countdown Cup. This time, we'll get a taste of what the new meta is with Orisa, Mei, Widowmaker and Ana in the pool, so let's get predicting!

I'm really not sure what the meta will be like in Week 26, but it could very well be the same as what we saw in the Summer Showdown, with Double Shield being the key comp style, and Genji, Ashe and Tracer being the DPS of choice. The support line will probably still be Bap-Brig as well.


1. Dallas Fuel vs. Philadelphia Fusion- Fusion wins 3-0. The Fusion went to the Summer Showdown finals in a very similar meta to this one, so I think they'll easily dominate the Fuel.

This is just not the right meta for the Valiant, so I'm gunning for the Outlaws
2. Los Angeles Valiant vs. Houston Outlaws- Outlaws win 3-0. Even though a lot of people love hyping up the Valiant, I'm not a fan because they are highly inconsistent. If they come into this match with polished strategies, I think they can flip the odds in their favour, but overall, I think Houston is noticeably better at Genji-centric comps, which are likely to be meta once again.


1. Seoul Dynasty vs. Guangzhou Charge- Charge wins 3-0. If I'm right, the Charge will be heading into yet another Double Shield meta, and in that case, they will stomp the Dynasty. That aside though, the Charge have shown more promise than Seoul overall this season, and are likely to win anyway.

Match of the Day: Who do you think has the edge?
2. London Spitfire vs. Hangzhou Spark- Spitfire wins 3-1. Despite the Spark showcasing a higher peak than the Spitfire this season, they have been quite inconsistent, which will work in London's favour. Even though they haven't had the most flashy moments thus far, the Spitfire have managed to maintain their level of play for the most part, and are poised to take this series if they treat it like any other.

3. New York Excelsior vs. Shanghai Dragons- Dragons win 3-0. In a Double Shield meta with Bap-Brig as the support line, I'd pick Shanghai over New York any day. Fearless-Void has been a much stronger tank duo than Mano-HOTBA this season, and LeeJaeGon has been stellar on Brig, which is not the case with Anamo. This is more of a tank and support difference than anything, and we might have a one-sided affair on our hands.

4. Paris Eternal vs. Washington Justice- Eternal wins 3-0. I don't even need to explain this.

5. Toronto Defiant vs. Vancouver Titans- Defiant wins 3-0. As long as Vancouver keeps putting Dalton on Genji and continues forcing that pick, that team is doomed to fail.

6. Houston Outlaws vs. San Francisco Shock- Shock wins 3-0. Should be fairly one-sided.


1. Dallas Fuel vs. Atlanta Reign- Reign wins 3-0. I believe the Fuel haven't been playing very consistently, and Atlanta can exploit that weakness to make this an easy victory.

2. Los Angeles Gladiators vs. Florida Mayhem- Mayhem wins 3-0. Although Kevster has been fantastic on Genji, the Mayhem are fantastic as a whole, and can deal with solo-carries without much of an effort.

Fusion's ready to grasp another victory
3. Philadelphia Fusion vs. Los Angeles Valiant- Fusion wins 3-0. Philly's just the better team here, no doubt about it.

That's all the predictions for this week! If you guys think they're reasonable, be sure to share this post with other OWL fans and subscribe to my blog for more such content! Cheers, stay safe!


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