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The OverSeer: Overwatch League S3 Week 13 Predictions

Sinatraa has quit Overwatch, the Vancouver Titans are falling apart, and Echo is finally available for League play.
What was that statement supposed to achieve? Nothing, except making me sound professional, which, let's face it, is not an adjective you'd use to describe my posts. For real though, I'm stoked to have a new hero being thrown into the Overwatch League's Hero Pool; it always shakes up the meta and gets us all excited to see new playstyles and compositions being formed. Now, I usually speculate about the meta for the week before getting into my predictions, but this time, I don't have a proper guess for you. I'm not sure how Echo is going to fit into the game, and how big of an impact she will have on the meta (I would assume a huge one), so I don't want to share any firm thoughts.
If she weren't in the Pool though, I'd say Rushdown would be the way to go. With McCree out of the Pool, you could occupy his slot with Reaper instead, and play aggressively with Rein-D.Va-Mei-Reaper-Ana-Lucio. You could also sub in Moira instead of Ana if you want to play hyper-aggressive, but Ana's still very strong, so no reason to take her out. Anyway, that doesn't matter because Echo will be in the mix, so let's just get into my predictions, which will just be based more on where I think each team stands than anything else.

Day 1

1. Guangzhou Charge vs. Seoul Dynasty- Dynasty wins 3-0. Although I could certainly see nero or Eileen picking up Echo and causing chaos, I'm more confident in the Dynasty as a team, as well as Profit, who has a ton of potential to master Hero 32 in my opinion. Very surprisingly, the Charge swept Seoul 3-0.

Match of the Day: Let's see who ends up on top between the Dragons and the NYXL!

2. New York Excelsior vs. Shanghai Dragons-
Dragons win 3-2. The Excelsior are one of probably two teams, that I think can upset the Dragons. However, NYXL has yet to beat a top-level team, whereas Shanghai have proven themselves time and time again, which is why I'm going with the safer route, and touting them as the winners. Actual prediction God right here. The Dragons did win 3-2, even though it looked to be a 3-0 for the NYXL before Shanghai's flabbergasting reverse-sweep.

3. Dallas Fuel vs. Washington Justice- Fuel wins 3-0. This isn't even a contest; unless one of the Justice's DPS has surprisingly mastered Echo, I think the Fuel will be just fine. A perfect prediction, but not an overly-difficult one.

4. Los Angeles Valiant vs. Atlanta Reign- Reign wins 3-0. Again, not even a contest. Atlanta is too good to lose even a single map in this one. A surprising reverse-sweep by the Valiant caused this major upset, thanks to Shax's incredible Tracer; he was popping off left, right and centre.

5. San Francisco Shock vs. Houston Outlaws- Shock wins 3-1. Rascal is gonna be the best Echo in the League; I'm already calling it. Unless they put sinatraa on-...oh no, wait...yeah, my bad. It's just hard to digest that one of the best Overwatch players in the world just suddenly quit the game, but it happened. Anyway, I do think Houston will provide a little bit of a challenge to the Shock, since we've all seen Danteh popping off in the Open Division Echo tournament (which he won), but in the end, San Fran is the better team. You see what I did there, with the Danteh...and Fran.........okay. So yeah, 3-1 to the Shock. I guess I overrated the Outlaws a little bit. Shock took the series 3-0.

Day 2

1. Seoul Dynasty vs. Hangzhou Spark- Dynasty wins 3-0. I believe that Seoul's loss to the Charge was an outlier in terms of their actual skill level, and that we shouldn't consider it too big of a deal. They should be fine against the Spark. Hmm...maybe Seoul isn't as good as we thought. They were totally destroyed by the Spark (3-0), and are now on a losing streak of 3 matches.

2. Chengdu Hunters vs. New York Excelsior- Excelsior wins 3-0. They've already slain the Hunters before, and have also given the Dragons the fight of their lives. The NYXL will stomp Chengdu tomorrow. The Hunters made the NYXL work for their victory this time round. The match was taken to 5 maps, but with a draw on Paris, the final score ended up being 3-1 in favour of New York.

Match of the Day: The only way Paris wins this is with a permanent Immortality Field
3. Philadelphia Fusion vs. Paris Eternal- Fusion wins 3-0. Considering the depth the Fusion have on their roster, there's a high likelihood that one of their DPS players has already grown proficient on Echo. I'm betting it's either eqo or Ivy, but...could it be ChipSa? The question basically begged to be asked. Either way though, I'd take the first two flex DPSes over NiCOgdh any day in this meta. What is it with this pair of teams always going to Map 5s? Philly totally had the series in the first half, but they started making minute mistakes in Map 3 which really cost them over time. I have to say though, it is great to see eqo back; he has a fantastic Echo, and as a huge fan of his play, I'm stoked to see what more he brings to the table. Philly won 3-2.

4. Florida Mayhem vs. Boston Uprising- Mayhem wins 3-0. If you doubt this prediction, you ought to meditate a little, clear your head, and reconsider. Another EZ clap perfect prediction. Boston did look good in parts though.

5. Toronto Defiant vs. Los Angeles Gladiators- Gladiators win 3-1. I really doubt Surefour will be beating his former team tomorrow. The men in purple are far more consistent than the Defiant, but I don't think it'll be a roll, since Tracer/Sombra-Echo Dive is something I could totally see Toronto being comfortable on. I just have more faith in the Glads, that's all. Not bad, another perfect pred! I didn't get to see most of this match, so I don't know much about what happened, but yeah, the Glads won 3-1.

That brings my correct winner count to 7/10 (70%) and my correct score count to 4/10 (40%). It's not as good as the previous week, but I'm not too bothered, since we saw 3 upsets this week (two of Seoul, one of Atlanta). It's still a pretty good record considering that every winner I got wrong was upset, so eh, we go agane next week.

Since this week's predictions post has been a little starved in terms of detail, here's something else for you! I recently had a small montage made of some of my plays, and since my aim is laughably bad, these plays are mostly gamesense/awareness-based. I hope you guys like it, and if you do, please take a moment to check out i7Player1, who made this montage for me. He's an amazing video editor, so do show him some love on his Twitch and Instagram pages!

Thanks a lot for reading this post. If you liked it, do share it with other Overwatch League fans, and subscribe to my blog to be notified whenever I post new write-ups! Hope you're indoors and are staying safe. Cheers!


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