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Showing posts from February, 2021

The OverThinker: Deconstructing Dive

Amongst the many compositions that have been meta in Overwatch in its nearly-five years of existence, none is quite as challenging albeit thrilling to play as Dive. Its high tempo, constant action, and split-second decision-making create fun and exciting team fights for everyone involved...provided they're playing the comp right, which brings us to today's topic: Deconstructing Dive . After experiencing Dive on ladder, or at least what players perceive to be Dive, it's clear that despite loving the composition to death, our community for the most part doesn't know how to play it. I've seen players that simply pick Dive characters but don't coordinate their engages, or pick poorly around  teammates that are trying to play it correctly, or heck, even play willingly into heroes that clearly counter their composition. All this stems from a lack of awareness or lack of information about what exactly Dive is and how you should play it, so I'm going to attempt to...